Week 20 MKMMA – Consistent Vision

Woman's Eye and World Globes

The insights we get in the powerful lessons in this MKMMA training amaze me time after time. Probably also because we are being taught the way we learned 3 x 3 at school. It is consistent practice! I guess this is the secret to all these habitual changes. Changing something out of your comfort zone needs some guts and perseverance.

All the pieces of the puzzle come together. All the mood types come along and all of them have to contribute their small part of the adaptation. I mean that when you are working on consistently visionalizing a life goal, you would have to feel like it and you would have to beat procrastination and fear to accomplish and then perseverance comes again. They are all needed, and so I understand that the inner change can become complete, cause everything inside grows into one strong fundament from which all power incites.

It is a funny feeling, and peaceful too, to know that this fundament is always with me. I can always get back to it, when I need it and it is still there, as if waiting for me. And I can be proud as well, since I created that situation.

For now my lesson is to be in consistent vision of my goal, all the time.

It sounds pretty easy haha, but as yet I still have a lot to conquer…



Week 19 MKMMA – Recharge on Demand

All these weeks we have been learning about our magic minds. The contradictions we experience when we change our minds, or set our thoughts in a different mode. That our minds are the vital force and cannot do without our thoughts to control our mood, our health and well-being. Therefore I think that thoughts could also be described as the energy recharging the battery of the mind.

Schermafbeelding 2016-02-06 om 19.08.25

The fact that bad thinking can manifest itself in our bodies as fear, worry and nervousness, in our finances as lack and limitation, should in itself scare us and be a punishment to twirl in. Yet, it looks like many of us haven’t got an idea about their own self-destructiveness. As if victims and feeling comfortable in a situation – however bad – like addicts.

Does it have to do with how we are raised?

How to deal with our ways of thinking?

Why are some people very well capable of thinking positively and do others need more guidance?

Sometimes it is easier said than done I guess. I don’t want to judge other people on not being able to change their habits. I only wish for them to experience the joy of receiving the beautiful results, to be gained by experience.

Being able to at least understand that we will always need to start with ourselves to change the world around us, is a milestone. Once that process has ignited a source of energy, the recharging can begin with just a flip of the finger. Just as we wish!



Week 18 MKMMA – Eye see

Every morning when I wake up, I tend to lay back for a little while to get the day started. As if my brains haven’t stood still while I was asleep, many ideas pop up and seem to solve minor or major issues I need an answer on. Not to forget the shower that follows and seems to polish what has been getting shape up there.

More than once I have found myself in dire straits figuratively, cause immediate answers were not at hand. But honestly I have often been saved by the bell, so to speak. The issues I dealt with have always been solved right on time!

To tell you the truth most of the time I feel that things will be ok. That sense has been deeply rooted in my system. I believe it has served me multiple times. The examples are to be found in e.g. finding some extra cash in a place I forgot, getting help from an unexpected corner, a sudden sale or a creative solution. It gives me peace and it is funny at the same time.

Last week I read a story about a girl from India that had been educated to use her third eye. By meditation and focus she was so well trained that she could blindfoldedly read out loud what had been written by someone else. And even cycle that way! This is just to illustrate that we can be meticulously precise!

Enjoy her story.

You can see her in this video (click the link)





Week 17 MKMMA – Prison Break

Writing the weekly blog is not so much a task that I don’t want to pick up. In fact, I love immersing in it. It brings me moments in contemplation and true descending of the insights I have been offered. I would love to hide away in that little wooden dream cottage surrounded with beautiful nature, and its open fireplace and just think the puzzle over. If only I wouldn’t have so many other responsibilities…

There we go… If only… Mark Januszewski talked about the word permission. He is right. The word and its meaning have everything it’s all about. Often it feels like life is a prison, because we are not alone, we have to socialize, to take care of other people, we need to make a living, we need to, we need to, we need to… How can be break free from this prison?

Maybe it never occurred to you/me, but we can give ourselves permission to seclude ourselves every once in a while. It has crossed my mind a lot lately. To release the strings a bit and allow myself to unleash the power within. Longing for the earnest concentration, to most probably find out that those prison bars have only been built by myself.

Permission lies in everything we do. Do I give myself permission to think in a certain way? The moment I don’t, the thought is gone. Thoughts we depend upon. Permission is a choice. It also has to do with being kind to yourself. A certain politeness. When did you ever think of being polite to yourself? I didn’t. But all at once I feel some softness in approach. I like it. The world would be softer if that kind of energy would prevail.

To do: I will find that pretty cottage this week 🙂




Week 16 MKMMA – The Universe is Irresistible

By reading and absorbing the words and meaning of this sixteenth week of training the wired threads untwangled in the header I just wrote above this blog post. No matter what we think, the power we possess in energizing any thought, the universe reacts on.

The mere fact that the most successful people (what most people consider successful that is) had nothing when they started creating their success. They built it from an eager energy. Examples galore, and without mentioning names, we all know the stories when they started their careers in garages and with no place to sleep.

I just watched our Dutch Jaap van Zweden to become the chief-conductor of the New York Philharmonic Orchestra. An amazing achievement. He already conducted the Dallas Symphony Orchestra where his special approach, his energy, changed all the musicians’ attitudes. Since he was asking them to be as perfect as one can get, he motivated them to be outstanding in their performance. They outreached their own art of which they didn’t think they had it. Now Jaap has had this talent all his life, he has been unstoppable since he was a kid and his magnetic sharing has this impact on other people.

So it is not a surprise that if we wish to learn more, we should surround ourselves with people who bring this energy with them. We are all different with our own energy and to a certain extent that is what we breathe into the universe and so that is what we get. Proof is in the pudding that when this tiny little change brings you to other thoughts, things around you change.

And that is what I read. The perseverance to constantly challenge yourself with your thoughts brings minor to major changes when we practice that. Anything is possible…

The universe is irresistible.



MKMMA Week 15 – Fearless

Wouldn’t you love to be fearless? Like a child that is fearless to a certain level. It seems so simple, yet in the course of life we tend to develop fears by our thoughts and experiences. I realized that every once in a while I go reminisce and cuddle up in a moment of my warm, careless and playful youth. Instantly you feel the energy flow.

Such moments are a treasure to keep and it was and is my wish to mix them into my present life to get back that particular feeling without having the fuzz and buzz of any other current chore that goes on and on. And it works, cause slowly I noticed that many parts of my behaviour have changed and I forgot about all the beauties that were once part of me.

So I am bringing back some good habits from childhood whereas I also work on changing wrong habits into new ones that I feel should enrich me as a person.

Knowing that this puzzle of life can be done would leave any fear away from us, cause we decide all the time. A thousand times a day. If all those decisions are made with happy thoughts, it would be party all the time 🙂

And fear is not part of that.


MKMMA Week 14 – Mind Factory

What a world of mind blowing information this MKMMA training is! Talking about minds, the very origin, the whole process of this factory called our human being is complicated and yet so understandable.

It is funny that I used the word mind blowing, cause in fact that is not at all what I want my mind to do. It should have been the most normal thing that would come to mind when thinking about the way the mind boggles.

Yes, everything is made of cells. Anything we touch, see, consists of cells. I wrote it earlier that we have our own army at hand, and that we have the power to have this army work for us. But now we also know that all the cells have their own mind and our bodies function as a factory of minds. They all have their own necessary job in order to have us function the best we can. It’s up to us how to feed their little powerful minds to perform at their best.

The more I recognize how my train of thoughts whiz around during the day, the more I stop, think and change it. It works and I love experiencing the progress.



MKMMA Week 13 – Default Navigation

Reading about the immense power of thought transforming into real achievements in daily life and a beautiful metaphor came to my mind that was shared by a friend today.

He said that we all have our built-in navigator. The navigator is our stable sensor that always wants to send us in the right direction. No matter what we do it will always give us a sign that we have to turn around or go left or right. At a certain moment we programmed it to lead us the way. We chose, we made that decision.

How often do we find that people blame others for not being successful themselves? Many times and they don’t remember their own part in that process. Somewhere down the line they changed their minds and made different decisions, deviating from the path. Getting mad with someone else is strange, to say the least. No one would kick a navigator in a corner for it being wrong, cause it just doesn’t make sense.

Every time when I read that our thoughts, our constructive thinking can create unlimited achievement I just wish that everybody would realize to untap this great gift and customize their navigator to their needs and wishes.


MKMMA Week 12 – The Force Awakens

Undeniably this week, speaking yesterday, I went to see the new Star Wars movie. Not a die hard fan, I came along with the bunch of friends and family just to enjoy the party feeling of this long awaited box office success.


Greeted by Darth Vader himself and getting seated in the red velvet cinema chairs in one of the nicest new cinemas in Amsterdam at ‘De Hallen’ the whole room awaited the first sounds of that bring-back-memory music. A wave of recognition breathed in the room and people applauded at seeing their old (really old) friends back on the screen again.

It was too cute, it was fun, it was romantic, it was thrilling and full of special effects. Lots of oohs and aaahs. And I fell in love with BB-8…

The best thing was that everybody had a smile on his face when leaving the cinema hall.

What strikes me is that even after 30 years, the directors were able to create it again. The expectation, the dream was fulfilled, again. The very base was so good, cause they set their standards high, they believed in it and BAMMM they did it!

The force awakened.

I believe we all can awaken our force, time and time again.


MKMMA Week 11 – The Fruits of Thought

Whenever I am doing my daily reads I feel so indulged with all the beautiful words and their architecture. It’s always after multiple times that they touch base, but then it is like an explosion, a complete splash of cha ching sounds. This alone makes me the happiest person.

25I also understand that it is not like that for everyone. Sometimes I try to tell other people what is going on in those texts and they think I am talking nuts. Some people never heard of even thinking in this direction. To be able to play with this knowledge in your head and create the wealth of inspiring yourself and others and the future, is true wealth even thinking it.

It is all about the fruits of thought. The power of your thoughts to feed and grow.

I must repeat these words to share and bathe in them again… 🙂

Thought reaches its loftiest activity when plunged into its own mysterious depth; when it breaks through the narrow compass of self and passes from truth to truth to the region of eternal light, where all which is, was or ever will be, melt into one grand memory.

From this process of self contemplation comes inspiration which is creative intelligence, and which is undeniably superior to every element, force or law of nature, because it can understand, modify, govern and apply them to its own ends and purposes and therefore possess them.

Whatever things you desire, when you pray, believe that you receive them and you shall have them. There is no limitation.

With love
